Saturday, May 23, 2009

I have no idea what's when wrong.
I seriously didn't do anything.
so don't put the blame on me.
I may be easy to joke around with but everyone have their own limits.
I'm okay with anything. but please don't show me attitude.

It's always when i thought life was starting to get better,
it falls apart again.
until now, i'm still trying hard to accept the facts.
and thinking it in another way. or putting into other shoes and think.

ANYWAY, school have been quite moodly or emo recently. don wish to say about it.
mon-suppose to study with emrs peeps.but cancel. ):
tues- classes
wed- cleaning up
thurs- Science center with BJ girls
friday- movie"night at the museum 2" with the Gang

shall update photo of science center soon. it's was damn fun and funny.
it's been long since i have such a great laugh.
the own self is still hidden in me.but i don't wish to show it out ):

chalet for 3d2n at pasir ris. and monday no school.finally (:
just another 4 days. ):