Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Due to insufficient sleep, I didn't really concentrate during lesson today. ):
which causes me to feel giddy and feverish today.

school was alright today. nothing nice to actually elaborate about.
but i was glad that i receive my result for my TEP today.
was kind of happy about my grades. but i could have done better.
i shall work damn hard for this year! (:

met up with the bonders in the evening to celebrate the TWINS 20TH BIRTHDAY!
i'm sorry that i was not able to go celebrate with your on saturday.
but i hope you 2 really enjoy ya. shall post some photos soon.
meeting up with bonders just make me feel happier i guess.
they always make me laugh until damn hard. but i love their accompany.
sorry if i wasnt able to make it to meet all of you all the time.
but i will try and make my time out for you! (: