Wednesday, May 6, 2009

because. you don't even understand and know a shit of it.
or, maybe it's because of me. that everything happen this way.
just that, people do not know how to point it out to me?
there's always argument at home. it's because they don't even try to understand me?
it's like something just snatch away everything from me.
and fuck please. i aint your maid. to listen what you ask me to do.
can you just shut up and live your own life without interuppting mine.
lead your whatever good life of yours. get anything you wanted and snatch all those from me.becos. i'm trying fucking hard to stay away from you. don't act as if you care about me. it's not like i don't know your intention. it's just that i don't want to fucking say a shit.

everything is a drag for now.
school kind of sucks, life sucks. practically everything suck to the max!

suzhou trip is suspended for now. i'm totally having a mixed feeling.
i just want to get out of singapore now. i wanted to go suzhou. but in a way, i'm starting to afraid of my school project and all. ):
drag drag drag.