Friday, May 1, 2009

today mark the end of the first week of school.
i kind of drag to go school for this whole week.
everything seem kind of wierd.
anyway, thought it's a drag to school.
but there are still days where i have fun.

at least there are meet up with the emrs peeps! mahjong mahjong. lol!
and also movies dates with huiling,fb,shuyee and melvin.

after months of pondering. i think i should really not waste my parents money and concentrate on my piano. should get motivated in practising it everyday. ha!
not only on my piano , i should also be more motivated in studying.
i hope i can really study hard and get good grades for this sems.
so i can get into a uni! (:

okay, later got a gathering at night for mother's day celebration. shall start studying now in case no time! (: bye peeps.

*p.s thanks angel for listening to me for the past few days. update update of news heh! (: