Saturday, April 18, 2009

no matter what happen, i just want thing to end.
i don't want to involve in all this kind of things already.
i simply hates it.
i got eyes and feeling, i know what is going on around.
it's just that i don't want to bring it up.
so, just stop it okay.

life still have to go on.

putting a full stop for the last day or emrs. i guess i'll most probably miss everyone. 10 week of emrs, althought i listen and heard about comment. like i say, i don't want to bother already. it's their mouth anyway. if those people just still want to continue saying things about me. then let it be. i believe 1 day, you will get retribution or karma. oh whatever it is, i get to see how human can actually behave. what they say infront of you maybe good. but at the back, it's always -.-.
but whatever. just fuck off my life then. no more emrs. year 3 coming. whatever.
i just want things to go well. i fucking want to end all this. and don't want get me involve in whatever shit already.

next post will be a nice post.