Monday, April 13, 2009

feel like vomiting now. maybe due to the late dinner. ):
anyway, was having this suzhou briefing just now in school.
suddenly have to wierd and dishearted feeling.
maybe i wasnt even really planned to go there.
maybe it's a desire just to get to oversea?
but oh well, i already paid for the $500. and next will be the $560.
i just hope that i'm able to cope and learn a lot from there.

so, i went out with cindy today. and we went to do pedicure!
hmm, and next outing we shall go sing(:

sometimes, i wonder, am i really satisfied with my life now.
or it is just that few things that make my life incomplete.

after having a long weekend, tml will be back in school.
i still have leaves to take. but it's already the last week of emrs.
just want to enjoy the time with them. (: