Wednesday, March 4, 2009


i think i am contradicting myself sometimes.
cant make up my mind and so.

recently, i'm feeling abit wierd. just me.
i really do not know what happen.
i'm happy that i have my friends around.
but that's not everytime.

oh. and by the way.
i just receive the new yesterday that i get in for my Suzhou Trip.
3 weeks oversea without my family and friends.
but i'm glad that i have SITI, PEARLYN AND JESSICA going.

maybe i just need a break off in singapore.
althought i know that, if I'm going oversea, it's gonna be real stress and all.
like coping with the project all this. but i hope it can really help me in the future. after all it's a learning experience.
the only sad part is that i'm so gonna miss my family and friends.

shall update again (: