Friday, March 27, 2009

maybe,it's really time for me to update this blog.
have been really busy recently. but at last, all the busy are like over.
LifeStyle Roadshow is finally over. it's a really good experience for me.
get to really learn alot from it.

emrs is like coming to an end in 3 weeks time. i'll definitely miss the days.
it's like totally difference from studying. just that for now, got to start on all the reports and all. life in emrs is really great with a bunch of awesome people which includes, PAMELA,PREENA,ALISAH,NICK,HILARY,CLARISSA,TUAN. thanks for being there for me yeah! (: reall appreciate it. love all of you.

finally after 9 month or so. i changed my phone! now my phone got lights on it.
the best part is that. i get the phone that i wanted all along. OMNIA!thanks daddy. haha!

sometimes, i really feel like i am gonna break down soon. i don't know why. but life is always up and down for me. sometimes, it's hard to trust people but you know that they are you good friend. it's not that i don trust. just do not know why things will happen like that. so much of rumours, i'm already sick of it.i'm tired already.
when will all this things end? i guess most of my friends know that i always wanted to go oversea and study. i guess that's the only way to runaway or avoid all this stuff. i know that, when there is problem, i should face it. but sometimes, it's just hard. but.i really hope things will be better soon. at least not that awkards?
once, a doctor told me, i need to be happy and try not to be sad. but how can i even control my feeling? it's really tought for me. sometimes i really drag.

i really want to run away from everything.