Tuesday, February 24, 2009


wondering how i should start.

ohmy, i think i almost faint just now, like suddenly a black out. i guss it'sthe pressure.
anyway, after 1 week plus. i FINALLY get to meet up with siti bestie! hee.! (:

oh by the way, life in emrs was kind of fun,tiring, stressful. anything that you can name it.
sourcing for supplier. planning of roadshow. well, i really get to learn from here. but then its still stressful!

you know. people play piano is like for relaxing and all. but it's definitly not into me right now.
i almost breakdown when playing my piano pieces. its damn hard. and there is always a part that i cant get it right. and most importantly! my exam is on FRIDAY! this time round i am really not well prepare. fcuk. i am freaking scare and nervous la!

this few weeks was actually just so~so. a bit of stress here. but there is also the fun part.

and i realise. there is so much LINK in school.

oh well. shall end off. see when i have the mood to write again. haha!
take care! (: