Sunday, July 19, 2009

Projects are getting on my nerves man.
there are just too much projects to do.
5 more to go. in which 2 is due on tuesday. while the other 3 is due the following week, and i have yet to start.

my headache is another problem. it's just always there. and i don't have the habit to eat medicine.
i tried to sleep early, but there is always endless work.

daddy have been asking me this few question these few days.
"What are you going to do after poly",
"What course do you want to study in university",
"What job do you want to do when you step into the working world"

it's making me think. i've been thinking of this few question in the past. but the answer always change. i mean as in not exactly change but it was partly due to what i'm studying now. oh well, shall think about this problem again.
right now, i need to concentrate on projects.

oh.last but now least,
stay happy and pretty babe! (: