Wednesday, January 21, 2009

finallyy the internet connection is back.heard from daddy it was due to some hardware problem. but oh well, at least its fine now. without using it for this few days feel so wierd can.

anyway, last sunday reunion dinner at simei. freaking far. and i guess daddy really speed. like reaching 140km/h. haha. i was sitting behind and trying to see the speedometer.
have youth group before that, and they have outdoor activity. but was kind of glad that there are alot of new comers . and we have like 48 people turning up on that day.
reunion dinner picture to be up soon. (:

this whole week is project week and seriously i hope i can finish both by this friday.
at least i can enjoy the chinese new year and not stressing over PROJECT!

shall blog again. and i guess i am fine.
not really that emo.. but trying hard already . thanks all for the concern (: HUGS!